take away

suomi-englanti sanakirja

take away englannista suomeksi

  1. kuljettaa

  2. ottaa pois

  3. noutaa ravintolasta

  4. viedä

  5. heikentää

  6. poistaa

  1. Verbi

  2. viedä, ottaa pois">ottaa pois, ottaa

  3. ottaa, viedä, ottaa pois">ottaa pois, riistää

  4. ottaa, ottaa pois">ottaa pois, riistää

  5. saada

  6. viedä pois">viedä pois, viedä

  7. pitää loitolla">pitää loitolla

  8. Substantiivi

take away englanniksi

  1. To remove something and put it in a different place.

  2. (ux)

  3. To remove something, either material or abstract, so that a person no longer has it.

  4. To remove a person, usually a family member or other close friend or acquaintance, by kidnapping or killing the person.

  5. ''The mother of the murdered man spoke directly to the man who took away her son, then addressed the judge, whom she trusted would impose the maximum sentence.''

  6. To subtract or diminish something.

  7. {{quote-journal

  8. To leave a memory or impression in one's mind that you think about later.

  9. To make someone leave a place and go somewhere else. Usually not with the person's consent.

  10. To prevent, or limit, someone from being somewhere, or from doing something.

  11. minus

  12. ''Five take away two is three.'' (5 - 2 = 3)

  13. (misspelling of)

  14. (alt form of)